The life-style of a person depends on the state of health, but often it can affect the development of the disease, part of them has put in us genetically. These disorders relate to each other, and varicose veins. It is called a disease of civilization.
Given that the majority of people who suffer from varicose veins in developing countries. The probability of its occurrence is higher in those who have relatives with the same problem, but additional factors are:
- the work-in-static-position / risk-of-teachers, surgeons, barbers, salesmen);
- in the absence of dynamic exercise in the morning (if you are too lazy to exercise, then you are in the at-risk group);
- the choice of clothes and shoes (too tight, too many times, and wear high heels);
- steam room, sauna, Turkish bath, burns from the sun in the middle of the day when the sun is very active.
What happens to the veins in the varicose veins?
Varicose veins is a pathological varicose veins. It can manifest itself in the stomach, and the male has the scrotum, the pelvis, and even in the language. Vienna-when varicose veins is not dealing with the bleeding. Your feet are very swollen. Later, he graduated from varicose veins, eczema and a long-lasting, and non-trophic ulcer. Even have to implement antibiotics to kill the infection. But the worst case of varicose veins in later stages, limiting the ability to do work.
The symptoms of varicose veins in the legs
The signs that point to the development of varicose veins:
- heaviness in the legs;
- nagging pain.
- swelling, and stop;
- seizures;
- varicose veins;
- changes in trophic;
- the pigmentation;
- the bruises, which is not preceded by a trauma.
In the early stages, it can be simply a vascular loop. But, later on, the symptoms become apparent. Vienna is just under the skin, they have a wavy shape, and resemble bunches of grapes. If you have symptoms of varicose veins, call your doctor right away. You will be asked to do the ultrasound of the lower limbs, to check on the status of the valves in the veins. This procedure takes about 30 minutes.
Forms of treatment for varicose veins
Conservative methods it is only possible to slow down for varicose veins. The most commonly used drugs on the basis of a chestnut, and bioflavonoids (antioxidant nutrients). Courses of treatment is usually long-lasting. The drug is available in form of creams, gels, eye drops, pills, and capsules. The length of treatment determines the physician depending on the degree of the initiation of the disease. The drug can be more, and the upper stage of the first or the second, if there are any changes to the trophic of the skin.
Compression therapy consists of the selection of a compression stocking, or pantyhose, that is to be used in the morning and remove before going to bed. It lasts for a whole year. The mesh compression reduces the road traffic of vienna, and thanks to this, the blood flows in the correct direction, stop the pain and swelling. Immediately, we strongly recommend the purchase of 2 pairs of tights, or pantyhose. You'll have to change them each and every day.
Sclerotherapy state of the art, the treatment of the varicose veins with the injection of special substances, as the adhesive, a sick city. Over time, it settled and the more, do not participate in the circulation of the blood. Your work to take in other blood. The method is totally safe, but it can be used in all cases. Typically, this method of dealing with reticular varicose veins (telangiectasia). Right away, you can go to work, and in the clinic-to-go until lunch time.
Surgical treatment of varicose veins
It is used when the defeat of the large veins in the later stages. It requires local or general anesthesia. The operations are carried out under the terms of the separation surgery, or specialized in phlebology clinics.
The operation can be carried out:
- with the use of a radio-frequency — a new technique to care and to act locally at the varices as a result of this action is terrified of vienna and resolved, and to take the other vienna.
- with the help of the steam to the micro-pulse after the pain in the a thin catheter is inserted in pairs of problems, of vienna, close it, and go away;
- by using the method of the Varadi — what's the meaning of the operation for the extraction of vienna with a punch to the intervention and requires only local anesthesia, the effect of which lasts for about 5 hours, and the walk can be an hour and a half after the operation, the statement is made on the same day.
- the laser is faster, bloodless and safe.
The popular folk methods of treatment for varicose veins

Sick of it, I'd like to believe that it is a relatively harmless and easy to use tools for the handling of blood. Yes, you can try to use the vernacular in two ways. They can be most effective in the early stages, and only in connection with the core of the therapy. The treatment of the popular forms of it should start after the approval of your doctor, and you need to establish the diagnosis.
To improve the circulation of the blood, you can use an ointment. But it can't be used on open cuts or wounds. If the skin has the ulcer, which began to develop prior to the start of the treatment, you must wait for it to open. Don't be afraid of the smell of the ointment — only to do it all the night before you leave the house.
The most effective tool to — dye-brown. For your kitchen, you should clean up the nuts and press them into the 200 ml of vodka. It is a tool that will make a noticeable varicose veins, if you are going to be using it on a regular basis. Within two (2) months, take 30 drops of the tincture after each and every meal. Good for dealing with varicose veins (vascular mesh) and the apple cider vinegar. In case you have problems with your stomach on the inside, the tool can be used only in the form of compresses and lotions. A thief in the apple cider vinegar for the treatment of spider veins is not well suited to the chemical, and there are virtually no substances which are useful to improve micro-circulation.
The prevention of varicose veins
Is there a way to go, if the varicose veins first appeared, or if he has any of the members of your family?
The simple rules that will prevent the development of varicose veins:
- the load should switch on, if you ever just sit back, pause for 5 to 10 minutes, or every 45 minutes in which to walk, do a small load;
- leaving the strait, the clothes, and the uncomfortable shoes with heels more than 5 cm, wear clothes and shoes only for the output;
- well, it warns of varicose veins of the swimming bath and to contrast them to tone blood vessels;
- during pregnancy, it is recommended to use a preventative for the compression of the mesh, and the support of a bandage, which will also reduce the pressure on the spinal cord.
You need to be in the presence of soothing gels and ointments, particularly during the summer, in the heat. To get to the varicose veins might be from 8 am to 11 am and from 17 to 20 o'clock in the evening.
A diet is when the varicose veins
If you're weak in the birth of the vein wall, it is a pre-disposition to the varizesy the expanding of the veins, and of the thrombo-phlebitis is still high. Women are at a higher risk. But you can slake the thirst of the body, useful in the vessels of the parts. First of all, you need to coais of those foods that are rich in vitamin a, c, and routine:
- the black head;
- lemons;
- kiwi fruit;
- strawberries,
- cabbage;
- citrus fruits;
- name.
Cook these fruits and berries, juices, and jams in the winter, be prepared for a bit of a jam. Modern refrigerators allow you to freeze a large number of berries. Very handy for breakfast and drink it fresh, or make a fruit salad. Pay attention to the foods that have a positive impact on the health of the liver. Varicose veins may indicate issues with it.
Vienna, and they will say to you, thank you so much for caring, especially if you are going to wash your feet with cold water and a lot of swimming and practicing aerobics. And now, even in a small town and there is a fitness centre with a swimming pool, so swimming can be all. Don't stop training in the winter. All that you will need to bring a hair dryer, and then choose the swimming pool near the house.
In the sport, when, varicose veins, disease of the
If you are overweight, consult with a nutritionally oriented doctor. The coach advanced, you can do an exercise program that is effective and varicose veins and to reduce the weight. It is worth it to avoid the lifting of the weights, and if there is a problem with the blood vessels. Therefore, weight training is not for you. If you are a child, you have to separate it properly: you don't have to bend your back first to take to his heels. Use of the stroller, do not carry your baby on your lap for a very long time.
This is useful when the varicose veins is to walk up the stairs, run into a little rhythm, and in the winter, skiing. The tangible benefits can be of nordic walking. This is the type of physical load that is useful for anyone at any fitness level. Find out where in your city or town, to teach them to walk on. In Europe, the people, and the lack of snow-shoes, and with the two sticks in his hands, did not cause any surprise. In this way they alleviate part of the burden in the joints and the veins.

Another good way to normalize the work of the veins — to carry out all the asanas of the yoga. But we have to start with the foundation of the asana. You will notice that you will not only become more sturdy, you can walk for long distances, but in her emotional state, so much the better. Yoga is very much helpful for the women. It is also normalized, aligned hormone, its fluctuations can lead to the deterioration of the situation in the blood vessels. Stress is also not recommended for patients with varicose veins, such as loss of pressure and damage the arteries.
To understand the complexity of philosophy is not to be nervous on trifles. If you are nervous at the job, even more so in the legs, maybe it's worth thinking about a change. The patient of varicose veins, it is recommended that you work in the open air, combined with the active movements of the city. Of the load, especially if you have a lot of time for you to sit on a bus or plane, you use the loops of the compression stroke.